Buying a used vehicle can be scary; reassuring yourself you’re purchasing a vehicle that is in good shape is simple with a pre-purchase vehicle inspection by a knowledgeable mechanic.
Buying a used vehicle can be scary; reassuring yourself you’re purchasing a vehicle that is in good shape is simple with a pre-purchase vehicle inspection by a knowledgeable mechanic.
Purchasing a used vehicle can be challenging for a multitude of reasons. First, when you don’t have a lot of knowledge working on and repairing a particular vehicle, finding out if the engine, suspension, and brakes are in working order isn’t easily assessed by sight. Additionally, if the vehicle at issue is in any way special (such as a sports vehicle or a classic), you might be enticed to purchase with your heart rather than your head.
Having a pre-purchase vehicle inspection and the eventual report done by a knowledgeable, impartial mechanic can save you:
- Expenses on unseen mechanical issues
- The cost for traveling to the used vehicle (if it’s within a reasonable distance)
- The annoyances that can come with ill-considered or emotional purchase
This post is going to give you the fundamentals of what a pre-purchase vehicle inspection is, what you might expect when having one done, and how to get one scheduled.
What is a Pre-Purchase Vehicle Inspection?
Almost every privately purchased used vehicle is going to come with no warranty, and even those purchased from a dealer maybe only comes with a very limited warranty (usually 30 days). A pre-purchase vehicle inspection can give you peace of mind when traveling down the used vehicle roadway. It’s also somewhat cheap insurance compared to the expense of repairs for a foolish used vehicle purchase. Remember that you, as the would-be buyer, would pay the expense of the inspection.
A lot of independent repair shops that are Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certified and even a lot of vehicle dealerships are going to carry out a pre-purchase vehicle inspection if the brand of the vehicle matches them. You can anticipate paying anywhere from one hundred to two hundred dollars for a pre-purchase inspection, though the cost might run a bit higher for specialized vehicles such as sports vehicles or classic cars, in which a wider knowledge base is necessary of the mechanic.
Pre-Purchase Inspection Report Vehicles
A repair shop or dealer providing a pre-purchase vehicle inspection is going to present the possible buyer with a detailed evaluation of the vehicle covering external, mechanical, and safety conditions in addition to the condition of the electronics, complete with a collection of photos of any visible areas in question. These inspections are required to be carried out by a shop or mechanic very knowledgeable with the make and model of the vehicle at issue.
As well as the traditional repair shops and dealerships, specialized mobile pre-purchase vehicle inspection operations can offer the same service just about anywhere in the US. You can search the internet for “Pre-Purchase Inspection” to locate larger service providers.
Buyer-Seller Agreement
One of the most vital parts of the formula is agreement between the purchaser and seller prior to moving forward with any transaction. You can make an offer on a private sale, but if you’re interested in scheduling an inspection, be sure to specify that your offer “is subject to passing a pre-purchase vehicle inspection by a knowledgeable mechanic of the purchasers choosing.” If the seller objects to this prospect, you might think about walking away from the purchase. When there’s nothing to conceal, a seller most likely needs to not have a reason to refuse.
A straightforward inspection is going to mainly be visual and should include placing the vehicle up on a vehicle lift to look for any leaks and damaged or worn-out parts. A somewhat more elaborate inspection could include a thorough road assessment by the mechanic in which the suspension, steering, and brakes can be determined. A very thorough inspection could also include assessing the engine’s compression ratio and leak-down values in each cylinder to establish the state of the piston rings, valve seals and their guides, including a diagnostic assessment of the engine’s electronic and ignition systems.
Rov-N-Techs In Scottsdale, Arizona
Rov-N-Techs performs all factory recommended services on Land Rovers & Jaguars at affordable prices! Master Technicians, Joe Caraway and Kevin Curtis worked at Land Rover of North Scottsdale for 10 years before opening their own shop in 2006 under the name of “Rover Techs”. Now known as “Rov-N-Techs” Joe and Kevin offer over 35 years of combined Land Rover experience. Contact us today!